Mental Health Month
During May, National Mental Health Awareness Month, Rebecca’s Dream recognizes all who are directly and indirectly impacted with mental health issues by offering compassion, education, support and advocacy.
This month through a campaign “Today I…”, Rebecca’s Dream will share personal stories of hope, recognize community leaders that fight the stigma of mental illness, as well as, tips and techniques to improve mental health. RD encourages everyone to live their best possible life not only during the month of May but every day of the week and every month of every year.
What are you doing for your mental health?
Today I…
Your life is an occasions.
Rise to it.
Mental health month
During May, National Mental Health Awareness Month, Rebecca’s Dream recognizes all who are directly and indirectly impacted with mental health issues by offering compassion, education, support and advocacy.
This month through a campaign “Today I…”, Rebecca’s Dream will share personal stories of hope, recognize community leaders that fight the stigma of mental illness, as well as, tips and techniques to improve mental health. RD encourages everyone to live their best possible life not only during the month of May but every day of the week and every month of every year.
Your life is an occasions.
Rise to it.
“Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways it can change someone else’s life forever.”
Margaret Cho
Rebecca’s Dream College 2022 Scholarship Recipients in memory of Dr. Harlan Haimes
Rebecca’s Dream’s 2022 Mental Health Scholarship is an annual award that celebrates exceptional high school seniors from Illinois schools. These students are headed to college and share in Rebecca’s Dream’s mission and vision to reduce the stigma of mental illness and ‘Change the Face of Depression.’
These awardees were recognized in a Zoom ceremony. President Stan Slovin and Co-Founder Susan Haimes presented the awards in memory of Dr. Harlan Haimes and each recipient shared their passion for eliminating the stigma surrounding mental illness.
These scholarships are in memory of our Co-founder, Dr. Harlan Haimes.
Rebecca’s Dream is grateful to Harlan for his dedication, devotion and vision to reduce the stigma of mental illness by promoting awareness and compassionate understanding of depression and bipolar disorder as real diseases.
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Mental Health News
Catch up on the latest articles and news headlines about mental health, bipolar disorder and depression at Rebecca’s Dream “The Voice” and Press.